Monday, August 31, 2009

My Stage

I'm definitely in the intimacy vs. isolation stage. I'm starting to view things from a perspective of a personal relationship. What kinds of things I look for in one and what I want to bring to one myself. I may also dabble in the identity vs. identity confusion but not too much. I don't think there are any stages that I've had trouble in or didn't go through. I feel like I'm pretty well rounded over all, but I'm not perfect. There are always some things that I could smooth out and make better.


Two variables that I find to be correlated but don't have a causual relationship would be "failing a class" and "breaking up with a significant other". Breaking up with a significant other can cause a lot of stress on a person. This stress could easily be brought into the classroom and be a huge distraction. If the person is very stressed and distracted, that person can let that affect their performance within a class.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Erikson's Theory

According to Erikson's theory, I am in the Identity vs. Identity Confusion stage. I am exploring many different routes to adulthood, an I'm not quite sure yet where my future will take me. I have no solid plan as to a career choice, although I am thinking seriously about a few options. I am unsure about how big of a family I want, where I want to live, and whether or not to attend graduate school. I am still searching for the right way to handle these aspects of my life, which demonstrates Identity Confusion.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Erikson's Stages

I think I am currently in the identity vs. identity confusion stage. I am very aware of who I am, what I believe in and what I want to do with the rest of my life. In terms of unresolved stages nothing really jumps out at me. I have a very strong sense of self and am extremely stubborn and if I feel something is not quite right I will resolve it quickly. I wouldn't be able to move on if it wasn't finished. It's just how I am.

Erikson's Stages

The stage of Erikson's theory that I am currently in is Identity vs. Identity Confusion. Although I declared my major as Construction Management, I am seeing other opportunities arise in different areas of study. I am confused with what I really want to do in my future. There is one stage that I feel was not resolved, and that is the Trust vs. Mistrust stage. Even when I was younger I felt as if it was difficult to trust others. Becoming an adult, I still have problems trusting people in general.

Erikson's Theory

I feel the stage that I am currently in is Identity vs. Identity Confusion. I feel as though I am stuck in this stage because I came into college undecided and when I declared my major I was still having second thoughts about what I really wanted to do in life. Although I picked Marketing as my major, I feel as though I still have other interests in different fields. I feel as though the stage I did not successfully resolve was the Initiative vs. Guilt stage in Erikson's stages. I feel as though I learned how to do things for myself too late in life. My parents really wanted the best for me, but I feel as though they taught me certain responsibilities later in my childhood development.

My Stage

I feel that the stage i am currently on is Intamacy Vs. Isolation. The reason i am on this stage is because i feel my identity is fairly well established. I know pretty well what i want out of my life and i know what i need to do to get there. I found during my first year of college I was dealing with intamacy vs isolation, but had not yet dealt with my identity and was therefore forced to go back and reevaluate my life, and the people in it. After this i got back to finding out if i wanted to be on the party scene or stay in and watch a movie. Not to say both can't be acheived by the same type of person. I digress, im just trying to figure out which scene im on

My Stage

The stage that I believe I am in is the intimacy vs. isolation. I am at the point in my life where I know what I want to do and what type of people I enjoy being around. I have a pretty good idea of who I am and while I may deviate from that time to time, I know the core person that I am. Right now I can usually tell very early in relationships whether or not they will work because I know who I am I just have to find the right fit.


The stage that I think best fits my life right now is Intimacy Vs. Isolation. I am not exactly looking for someone to marry at this stage in my life but I am looking for a companion and someone to spend my time with. I am only twenty years old and I have been in a few semi-long term relationships. I feel like I still have problems with the autonomy vs. shame. I still seek other peoples opinions to feel compleatly satisified with a decision I am going to make.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Stages in Erikson's Dev

I believe I am in the intimacy vs. isolation stage. I am a young adult in my first realy, adult, long-term relationship and, as far as I know, I think I am going to complete this stage just fine. I believe I had trouble with industry vs. inferiority because I had a lot of problems with failure in my early years. A grade of a B would absolutely devastate me and I think I focused so much on academics that I had a hard time socializing. Also, procrastination runs in my family so I have always seemed to have to fight against that. I think I resolved this in my first semester of college when I realized I was not always going to make all A's and having a social life is important to your happiness too.

Erikson's Stages

I believe that I am in the Identity vs. Identity Confusion stage. I feel that I know what I want to do with my life, and I know where I am going. I am also very firm in my Christian beliefs. I know who I am and I know what I believe. In some aspects of my life, I guess you could say I'm in the autonomy vs. shame and doubt stage as well because I'm learning how to be more independent due to being a college student.


Destiny McCoy's: With yours I noticed that we are in many of the same stages. I also feel like I am learning new things about myself, but I still do not exactly know what I want. I also have the problem with making harder decisions by myself and believe that goes back to Autonomy v.s. doubt and shame.

Anne: I am also in a relationship and do have the same troubles with trust. He has not done anything to bring it on, but its my past that affects it. Trust v.s. Mistrust is one, that I believe, a lot of people have trouble with.

Stage in Erikson's Development

I believe that I am transitioning from Identity vs. Identity Confusion, to Intimacy vs. Isolation. I am still learning new things about myself & discovering more of who I am each day; however I feel like I know myself well enough to be searching for the person I want to spend my life with. I do have problems still with the Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt stage because I have a hard time making important decisions completely on my own without first asking the opinions of the people who are close to me.

Erikson's stages

I feel that I am currently in the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage of social development. I am working on my relationships with other people. I am not only looking for the person I want to marry, but also working on my relationships with friends and family. I also feel that I am still in the Identity vs. Identity stage as well because I am continuing in my 20s to figure out exactly who I am and what my values are.

Erikson's stage theories

I believe that I am stage five of Erikson's theory, Intimacy vs. Isolation. I am currently in a relationship, however I feel that my struggles with stage one, Trust vs. Mistrust definitely affects it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

first post

I finally made it here, sorry it took so long.

Post 1

Please respond to one of the following:

(a) You have learned that correlation does not equal causation. Provide an example of two variables that are correlated but that you believe almost certainly have no causal relationship.

(b) What stage of Erikson's theory do you feel you are currently in? Is there a stage that you feel was not successfully resolved?