Thursday, August 27, 2009

Erikson's stage theories

I believe that I am stage five of Erikson's theory, Intimacy vs. Isolation. I am currently in a relationship, however I feel that my struggles with stage one, Trust vs. Mistrust definitely affects it.


  1. i agree. trying to find trust in someone is hard these days. its hard to know people that wont pretend to be your friend then when you need a friend their nowhere to be found.

  2. Anne,

    I think if you have issue in the trust vs. mistrust stage then it will definately affect you in the intimacy vs. isolation stage. Most relationships are built on trust and if you can't trust your partner it can be very hard to make the relationship work.


  3. I definitely agree that if there was any harm during this phase, it can easily lead to problems and issues within the other phases. Trust is developed and learned over time. It is important to not let that harm and those feelings continue throughout life because it can affect one's happiness and development.

  4. I completely understand. Once someone has caused you to not trust them it's hard not to carry that over to other relationships. I can see how struggling with that stage causes problems in your present stage. You can't help but blame the current individual for things another one did; whether it be a friendship or relationship. But relationships are built around trust so it can be very hard to have one if you have problems with that area.
