Thursday, August 27, 2009

Stage in Erikson's Development

I believe that I am transitioning from Identity vs. Identity Confusion, to Intimacy vs. Isolation. I am still learning new things about myself & discovering more of who I am each day; however I feel like I know myself well enough to be searching for the person I want to spend my life with. I do have problems still with the Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt stage because I have a hard time making important decisions completely on my own without first asking the opinions of the people who are close to me.


  1. I understand where you are coming from when you say you consult those who you are close to before making important decisions. I do the same thing, but I think it's important, especially when you're young, to get advice about life and decisions from people who may have experienced what you are going through.

  2. I can relate to this as well because even though I want to make my own decisions and learn from my own mistakes I find myself asking for advice from others because I do not completely trust myself. It's always good to talk and relate to others but it's also good to learn to trust yourself with making certain decisions.

  3. I completly know where you are coming from. I don't think I succesfully finished the autonomy vs. shame and doubt stage. It is always comforting to have a second opinion on an important decision I am going to make. I feel like as you get older you learn to trust yourself more and make the hard decisions on your own without help from others.

  4. I too look to others for their oppinions before making decisions. I go to those I completely trust in hope that they will shed a different light on the issue at hand and help me make a more informed decision. but I need to start trusting myself more in knowing my decision is the right one for me. Because after all, I'm the one that has to live with it.
