Friday, August 28, 2009


The stage that I think best fits my life right now is Intimacy Vs. Isolation. I am not exactly looking for someone to marry at this stage in my life but I am looking for a companion and someone to spend my time with. I am only twenty years old and I have been in a few semi-long term relationships. I feel like I still have problems with the autonomy vs. shame. I still seek other peoples opinions to feel compleatly satisified with a decision I am going to make.


  1. I think to a certain extent that you should seek the people that are close to you for approval about your decisions but then also things like relationships and decisions for yourself should be made by you and what you truly feel is right.

  2. I know what you mean about still having problems with the autonomy vs. shame and doubt stage. I have hard time too making decisions on my own. I always feel like I need to hear someone say "yes that's the right decision" before I feel like it's the right one for me.
