Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Post 1

Please respond to one of the following:

(a) You have learned that correlation does not equal causation. Provide an example of two variables that are correlated but that you believe almost certainly have no causal relationship.

(b) What stage of Erikson's theory do you feel you are currently in? Is there a stage that you feel was not successfully resolved?


  1. (b)The stage of Erickson's theory that I feel like I am currently in would be Intimacy vs. Isolation. The reason I believe I am in this stage is because I am a young adult and I think a lot of people in young adulthood are trying to find their partner. I recently got out of an engagement with my boyfriend of four years. The question asks if I feel if there is a stage that was not succesfully resolved. In my particular circumstance I believe my relationship was resolved successfully by the ending of my engagement, because I would of have been getting married for the wrong reasons, resulting in an unsuccessful marriage. So I believe I am the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage, because I am at a new beginning and have to start fresh in terms of my relationships.

  2. b.) I think that I'm still in Identity vs. Identity because I was living in a strict environment so I was never able to explore who I was. I tried moving on to Intimacy vs. Isolation but none of my relationships really worked out so now it's back to the drawing board for me. I think I probably had some trouble in Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt as well because I have a really hard time making choices and I don't really depend on myself to get me through things.

  3. (b) The stage of Erikson's theory that I feel like I am in is the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage. I just transferred to UCM this year as a sophomore because I attended KU last year and found that I didn't fit in well with the big crowd of people. I feel like coming to UCM is giving me another chance to interact with others and work through this stage. I think that the autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt stage wasn't resolved because I have had a hard time being independent and making my own choices, rather I depend on others to do things for me and make decisions for me.

  4. b) The stage of Erikson's theory that I feel that I am in at this moment would be Identity v.s. identity confusion. The reason I feel this way is because I grew up a certain way and was told that when I get older I should go into engineering. I did that and it did not seem to be me. I was confused on what I wanted to do for a while. I am now heading into elementary edu. and think that I am finally heading on the right track. The stage I believe was not resolved was initiative v.s. guilt. When I was younger when I brought home good grades, for example, all I was told was good job. But if I brought home a bad grade I was punished. It was nothing horrible, but it still made me feel guilty that I did not do well.

  5. B) The stage of Erikson's theory that I feel I am in would be identity vs. identity confusion because I am still trying to figure out who I am/ what I want/need to do. I had some family problems while I was in high school, and all I could ever think about was getting out. I finally got out 3 days after I graduated, and really haven't been home since, pretty much just for the holidays. Now that everything is resolved back at home, I want to go back and I guess catch up on what I missed out on. I feel that dealing with everything while I was home, hindered my progress on figuring out who I am and what I really wanted to do with my life, besides get out of my parents house. The stage I believe was not resolved would be industry vs. inferiority, because while everything was going on at home, I was still being held up to my 2 older brothers standards, and when I failed to bring home as good of grades as they did,even though my grades weren't bad, never below a B, I was punished/ ridiculed.

  6. (B) The stage of Erikson's theory that I feel I am in would be Intimacy vs Isolation. I feel I am in this stage because I am in the part of my life where I know what I want to do when I graduate I have my life on track in that regard, I know who I am. With all that figured out I am now working on relationships and friendships in my life, I believe that at this time of my life is when I am finding out who my true friends are and who will be there years down the road. Also at this time in my life I am looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with. I am working on the relationships I have in my life and the ones that will be there in the future.
    Now the only stage I believe I might of had issues with or that is still a problem for me today would be Trust vs Mistrust. I feel the reason I have had trouble with this because as an infant I had my mom and my older brother raising me, I spent most of my time as an infant with my older brother because my mom had multiple jobs to be able to provide for me and my brother, but as a toddler my mom remarried and with the new marriage I got new siblings who were not as accepting of me as I was of them. Also I was pushed away from my older brother who I knew as my caregiver, and at a young age I did not understand all the new changes in my life, I had a father telling me what to do and keeping me from my mom and had new siblings keeping me from my older brother, so I learned at a young age that you can not always trust someone to be there for you.

  7. I am working on two stages of Erikson's Theories. The first is the intimacy vs isolation. I was divorced after 28 yrs marriage, and remarried recently. I am working on trust issues to help with intamacy vs isolation. I am also in my generality vs stagnation stage. I am coming back to school to further my education in the field of teaching special needs students. I want to give back and help others.

  8. I feel that I am in the initmacy vs isolation right now. I am at the age where I want to find someone to be with. I do not feel like I have not resolved any stage unsuccessfully.

  9. I feel that I am in the intimacy vs isolation stage of Erikson's theory. I feel that I am in this stage because like most in young adulthood I am beginning to think about my future and finding someone to spend it with. To answer the question as to whether their was a stage unsuccessfully resolved I feel that I am still going through the identity vs identity confusion stage because only being twenty I do not think that it is possible to completely understand just exactly who I am. I do have a better understanding from what I used to but I have not quite totally fiqured myself out.

  10. Option A)

    Two variables that correlate but I believe do not have a causal relationship are Super Bowl Sunday and an increase in domestic violence.

    My theory is that increased alcohol consumption causes the increase in domestic violence not the foot ball game.

  11. B) I feel that I am in intimacy vs. isolation of Erikson's stage. I feel that I am in this stage because I am a young adult and trying to grow up and have a future and that includes sharing it with a partner. It is weird how quickly we grow up and even some of my friends that were the class clowns are talking about settling down and their future. It shows how at some point everyone grows up. I think we all are trying to find that right person to spend our future with and have a family with.

  12. intimacy v. isolation stage of Erikson's stages is the one i feel that i most belong to. right now in life i feel like that i seek out a loving relationship. i feel that to complete my life i have to have someone to share it with.

  13. I am replying to Courtney:
    "(b) The stage of Erikson's theory that I feel like I am in is the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage..."
    I am also a sophomore transfer student so I know how difficult it can be readjusting to a new school. The difference for me is that I'm coming from a small school to a much bigger one; instead of big to small. Since I started considering changing schools I've kind of reverted back to the Identity vs. Identity Confusion.

  14. This reply is to Alex:
    "Two variables that correlate but I believe do not have a causal relationship are Super Bowl Sunday and an increase in domestic violence.

    My theory is that increased alcohol consumption causes the increase in domestic violence not the foot ball game."

    Part of the reason for the correlation between the Super Bowl and increased domestic violence could be the fact that the Super Bowl is an event where many people gather with family and friends to watch the game. Whenever you get several people so close together & most of them rooting for their specific team it is the perfect situation to get an arguement going. And since they have such a stong opinion about it the situation escalates very quickly and can result in domestic violence.

  15. This reply is to Lizzie Hendon.

    I agree that it seems strange how fast we have grown up. I also feel that everyone around me, and yes even the class clowns, are deciding to get married and start families. This seems strange, but I guess growing up is a part of life!

  16. This reply is to Nic Stroker:
    "i feel that to complete my life i have to have someone to share it with"

    I wonder why most of us feel this way. Is it because culturaly we are conditioned to think this or is their some other scientific factor?

  17. This reply is to Staci Duncan:

    "To answer the question as to whether their was a stage unsuccessfully resolved I feel that I am still going through the identity vs identity confusion stage because only being twenty I do not think that it is possible to completely understand just exactly who I am. I do have a better understanding from what I used to but I have not quite totally fiqured myself out."

    Good for you to recognize that you don't have yourself all figured out yet but that you are working toward it. It takes alot of work and life experiences to get to a place where you know who you are and what you want in life. Just remember to have patience as their is no time schedule on any of these stages. :)

  18. This reply is to Staci Duncan

    I'm not sure you ever figure yourself out. Our minds are constantly changing depending on where we are in the development stange. Change is the only thing constant. I think we go through several stages in our lives where we sit back and evaluate how things are going and make changes from the evaluation.

  19. This reply is in regards to Suzan Stocker.

    I think is is crucial that you have a good sense of who you are before you move on to Intimacy vs Isolation stage. You have to spend time reflecting on what makes you happy. Someone else can't give you that self-fullfillment.

  20. Option B:

    I feel that I am still in the Identity vs. Identity Confusion stage of Erikson's theory. I've waffled between several majors during the last school year; and though I've chosen psychology, I'm still not sure that's where I belong.

  21. (b) I feel that I’m currently going through identity vs. identity confusion to intimacy vs. isolation. I think I have kind of figured out who I really am, what my goals are, and what I want to do with my life. Now, I’m moving on to building a strong relationship with a significant other. I feel in certain situations with friendships and relationships that I’ve struggled with trust vs. mistrust.

  22. I think I have successfully finished the Identity vs. Identity confusion stage. I know who I am, what I believe in and have strong goals that I am for. I know exactly what I want to do with my life and what it will take to get there. Therefore, I feel that I am in the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage. I guess you could say I'm looking for a significant relationship, however, I am also pretty content with my current situation of working towards a successful future. I suppose I'm not exactly looking for a significant other, however if the opportunity were to present itself I'm sure I would give it a try.

  23. In reply to Alex:

    I agree with the statement that an increase in alcohol use in the home can create an increase in domestic violence as well. Often times cases of domestic violence involve some history with either drugs or alcohol.

  24. In reply to Lauren:

    I too was often punished when bringing home bad grades. The punishments stopped however when my parents realized that I was punishing myself for not getting the good grades. Is it possible that you succeeded in this stage however you unintentionally began to set higher standards for yourself?
