Friday, August 28, 2009

Erikson's Theory

I feel the stage that I am currently in is Identity vs. Identity Confusion. I feel as though I am stuck in this stage because I came into college undecided and when I declared my major I was still having second thoughts about what I really wanted to do in life. Although I picked Marketing as my major, I feel as though I still have other interests in different fields. I feel as though the stage I did not successfully resolve was the Initiative vs. Guilt stage in Erikson's stages. I feel as though I learned how to do things for myself too late in life. My parents really wanted the best for me, but I feel as though they taught me certain responsibilities later in my childhood development.


  1. I believe that for some people college truly is where people really start to focus on this stage and realize that they may not be certain of what they want. College does allow for so many new opportunties and experiences that it can easily be overwhelming and challenge what we may have had it mind or our goals in life.

  2. I came into college not knowing where I was headed and even now in my junior year I'm still trying to really sort things out. Instead of worrying about that I try to see where I can make the most difference here and now and take opportunities as they come. I'm sure things will clear up for you soon.
