Thursday, August 27, 2009

Stages in Erikson's Dev

I believe I am in the intimacy vs. isolation stage. I am a young adult in my first realy, adult, long-term relationship and, as far as I know, I think I am going to complete this stage just fine. I believe I had trouble with industry vs. inferiority because I had a lot of problems with failure in my early years. A grade of a B would absolutely devastate me and I think I focused so much on academics that I had a hard time socializing. Also, procrastination runs in my family so I have always seemed to have to fight against that. I think I resolved this in my first semester of college when I realized I was not always going to make all A's and having a social life is important to your happiness too.


  1. I agree with much of what you said, but must say that im fairly sure, Intamacy vs Isolation is not just an initmate relationship but also a social relationship. If one focuses only on a presonal relaitonship there is still a certain degree of isolationisum

  2. I agree a lot with what you said. Once I came to college, I felt like I had to get really good grades and then I learned it was not the end of the world. I also have problems with procrastination but I feel like as I get older I am getting better at it.

  3. I think you would would agree with me when I say that almost has trouble with procrastination at some time, just some of us are affected more than others unfortunately. I also agree with Darius when he says the intimacy vs. isolation is finding a balance between your personal and social relationships.

  4. I agree with your statement about college and the social life. When I came to college I felt like I needed to make the best grades. After I figured out that getting an A in a college class wasn't always going to happen I actually got better grades. I also agree with A. Winters, procrastination seems to be a problem with many people.
