Sunday, August 30, 2009

Erikson's Theory

According to Erikson's theory, I am in the Identity vs. Identity Confusion stage. I am exploring many different routes to adulthood, an I'm not quite sure yet where my future will take me. I have no solid plan as to a career choice, although I am thinking seriously about a few options. I am unsure about how big of a family I want, where I want to live, and whether or not to attend graduate school. I am still searching for the right way to handle these aspects of my life, which demonstrates Identity Confusion.


  1. I know exactly what you mean by being unsure about where the future will take you. I was so sure since like the middle of high school that I wanted to be a criminal profiler, and now after looking into it I'm positive that is NOT what I want to do at all...

  2. I completely understand. Although I have always known what I wanted to do career wise, as I get closer to the end I have become more unsure of my choice. I have no idea what I want to happen in my personal life. A lot of my friends have gotten married and starting to think about having families. For awhile I thought that was what I wanted, but I don't know if I'm ready for that.

  3. I agree as well. I have explored my options here at college and I am still unsure where life is goingto take me. Although I have my mind made up about a career, I am still eager to explore other options. As for my future, I am also unsure what direction I want to go in.

  4. I understand exactly where you are coming from. I also did not know exactly what I wanted to in the future until late last semester. A lot of my friends have had babies in high school and now or got married and I am just not sure thats what I'm ready for right now. I have no idea what exactly I want to do in the future except work with the so called "bad" kids.
