Friday, August 28, 2009

Erikson's Stages

The stage of Erikson's theory that I am currently in is Identity vs. Identity Confusion. Although I declared my major as Construction Management, I am seeing other opportunities arise in different areas of study. I am confused with what I really want to do in my future. There is one stage that I feel was not resolved, and that is the Trust vs. Mistrust stage. Even when I was younger I felt as if it was difficult to trust others. Becoming an adult, I still have problems trusting people in general.


  1. I can relate to both stages that you feel that you are in. I too second guess my major every now and then but I think it is just because it's a big commitment to decide what you are going to do for the rest of your life. I also have difficulty trusting people and that is because of my past.

  2. I also feel that there is a part of me that didn't fully complete the trust vs. mistrust stage. Going to an all girl high school made me really see how catty and vengeful some girls really can be, and to this day I have a hard time getting to open up to girls and starting friendships with them.

  3. I too feel a sense of mistrust lingering in my life. In order to trust others I have to trust myself first. It takes me a while to find trust in others because back in high school, I had a group of friends turn on me. Since then it's been harder to gain close relationships, as well as trusting others.
