Thursday, October 1, 2009

Post 5 b

I don't think that holding flash cards in front of an infant would be effective in their language development. I believe the best way for children to develop language is by listening to their parents and people around them. They immitate what they hear in their environment. Maybe once they get older and start learning to read, the parents could use flash cards. Plus children learn to talk before they learn to read, so I really don't think the flash cards would be of any use. Piaget would not agree with the flash card idea because his theory focuses on children exploring the world through movement and the five senses. The flash cards would appeal visually to the child, but they wouldn't get any meaning out of them.


  1. I agree, flash cards are for after the child can speak and has a general understanding of the language. The way a child learns to read is by sounding out the word; what good are flash cards if the child is introduced to them before they can even speak, let alone sound anything out.

  2. I agree that flash cards wouldn't do any good. Like you said, they may come in handy when the child is older, but not while they are babies. I also agree with what you said about Piaget disagreeing with the flash card idea because babies are exploring the world with their senses, and they would not understand the flash cards.
