Thursday, October 15, 2009

Post 6a

If I had limited funds and could only support one prevention program it would probably be primary. The reason for this is I feel that it needs to be st oped sooner rather than later. We need to stop the injury/abuse from the beginning so there hopefully will not be much of it. If you get it before it's too late, then it's already done and there's nothing one can do anymore from preventing it from happening to that individual.


  1. This is a good idea because once the emotional and psychological damage is done to the child it can take years for the child to overcome that trauma. Prevention is the key.

  2. I agree, the earliest to prevent abuse the better. I would definitely choose to help with primary prevention.

  3. I agree, preventing the maltreatment before it starts is the best idea. The child would experience less physical and psychological damage later on in life. It is important to get the word out about abuse before it actually occurs.

  4. I agree that primary prevention would be the best prevention to choose. I believe that preventing the problem before it evens happens would cut back on a lot of the maltreatment happening.
