Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Post 6--Letter A

If I had to decided where I would place more money between primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention I think I would have to spend more money on primary. I picked primary prevention because it the the structure to make injury less likely, so hopefully I can stop it before it gets worse or even begins. Primary prevention tries to help by taking measures to make the environment safer for all.


  1. Lauren,

    I also chose primary prevention. I believe it is the best time because it works at the source of the problem rather than just trying to fix specific problems or injuries after they have occurred.

  2. I would love to stop it before it happens but wouldn't alot of money be spent on people that clearly do not need a primary program? Also, how do you create stable neighborhoods, family cohesion, and income equality, while eliminating financial instability, family isolation, and teenage pregnancy, which according to the text, are all componants of a primary prevention plan?

  3. I agree Primary prevention is very important. I'm not sure we can create a perfect world though, where no injury, maltreatment or abuse occurs. No matter how much money we spend.

  4. I too feel that it is important to stop injury before it happens and putting money towards it would be beneficial. However, there would be someone somewhere that would get hurt. So what would be available for those individuals?

  5. I think creating a perfect world would be crazy cool but not so realistic. I do also agree with you.
