Sunday, October 4, 2009

Post 5

I do not think that flashcards will do much for an infant. Simiply on the fact that an infant can not talk in fact it can barely walk. So the only positive thing out of holding flashcards in front of an infant is the enviroment is being enriched. Which is a good thing the the enviroment be enriched will thing that will maybe give the child an edge over other chilren. It can not hurt to show the infant the cards the only thing it would do is help the child with schemas later in the development. But if the mind really does not start develpoing memory until 2 years then would holding flash cards up to the infants face be a waste of time. It could very well be that it is a waste of time, but everyone is different from one to the other so who really knows. Piaget would probably not agree with this method fully unless the child showed intrest in the flashcards then i think that Piaget would maybe try this method.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Who knows whether or not the flashcards could help develop schema's later in life? I personally think they couldn't hurt, and if it turns out that they really did help it wont be a waste of time after all.
