Friday, October 16, 2009

post 6

I would support the primary prevention. Hands down this is the choice when it comes to abuse. Abuse is not cool in anyway. The biggest topic that is linked to abuse is spanking children for doing something wrong. When i was a kid and i said a bad word or did something that i was not suppose to do my mother would ask no questions go out to the back yard and get a switch. Then she would proceed to to spank me a few times. Trust me once you get spanked by a switch from a tree you will think twice about doing something your not suppose to do. This taught me right from, but there are people that say spanking is beating. Beating i my eyes is uncontrollable hitting of the child and if there is no reason to spank then it would be considered beating. Example, if a three year boy throws his dinner from the table and it lands on the wall, what do you do as a parent? Most would then proceed to spank the three year old because he/she needs to no that is the wrong thing to do. Now the other way, the three year boy throws the food on the wall, what do you do as a parent? These people would proceed to tell the child no but the child has not been shown that that is the wrong thing to do. Mostly the child would begin to throw more food from the lack of knowing that the action he/she is doing is wrong. But stopping abuse should be a main goal from day 1 of bring a child into the world.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely. I feel like a spanking is not abuse, but when you do not or can not stop hitting your child it is abuse. I know that when I was younger my dad spanked me and I would never do it again but kids today do not listen when their parents just say no and do not show them they are wrong.
