Monday, October 26, 2009

Post 7

Vygotsky stressed social aspects of childhood cognition. He said children learn by participating in various experiences, with help from more knowledgeable individuals. He also believed in scaffolding, which allows children to master one skill at a time, rather than all at once. Private speech was another thing Vygotsky believe in. Private speech was used to describe when someone talks to themselves. This helps because it is allowing the child to explain, review, and get a better understanding of the current situation going on.


  1. I think that scaffolding is a great idea so that children do not experience information overload. I also think private speech is a great tool for children to really master speaking. They can evaluate what they are saying and then can form sentences better.

  2. I also think that scaffolding is a great idea...however I have found that it is hard for me not to assist too much. I have to keep telling myself that I am there to help them achieve their potential not my own

  3. I agree as well that scaffolding is a good thing but it can be a bad thing as well. Being a filter is more of a way I think about it just make sure that the child is not watching something that they should not be watching. Just make sure that they are in a enriched envirorment.
