Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Secondary Prevention - Alex

If I had limited funds and could only support one type of maltreatment prevention plan, my initial reaction would be to support the primary plan. This is because, my hope would be to eliminate maltreatment altogether. However, after further consideration this plan did not seem practical. Maltreatment will never fully be eliminated and a primary plan would waste a lot of resources on people that will never engage in, or be affected by, maltreatment. It seems more realistic to me to spend my allotted money on the people that clearly need it. A secondary prevention program would offer these people education, home visits, preventative medical treatment, and high quality day care.


  1. I agree that spending money in the primary plan is the best idea. It would be wonderful if we could eliminate it altogether.

  2. I choose a primary plan, but I can definately see where you are coming from. A primary plan may have the best intentions but may not ever do what it promises. Though a secondary plan may only help people they feel are at risk for abuse, it may stereotype these people are leave out people who may need it, but don't fit the stereotype.

  3. I agree, a secondary plan would prevent maltreatment for those who are at a higher risk. However, the primary plan would help eliminate the problem all together.

  4. I would love to say that if we could just put the money towards primary, it would solve the problem all together, however I agree that the money would be wasted on people who are not even at risk, and those are the ones that need the most help. So I would also choose secondary

  5. that makes alot of sense, but that depends on what exact thing the money goes to for primary prevention, although secondary prevention does sound like a good plan with alimited amount of funds, the people who need them should get them
