Friday, October 2, 2009

Post 5b

I do not think that holding flashcards up in front of an infant is a good idea, but if taught in the correct way, may be useful later in development. If the parent were to hold up the card, say the word and then relate it to something the child is familiar with, the child may experience a greater understanding of the word later on in language development. Although this sort of teaching would not be useful on an infant because they are learning through senses and personal experiences. Piaget would not agree with this sort of teaching because he believes children should learn through interaction and sensible experiences. Just holding up the card is not enough, language development occurs when the parent is constantly interacting with the infant in an enriched environment.


  1. I agree that it will probably not hinder a child's learning of their language but it will probably not help much either. If used correctly I think that you may see positive results.

  2. I agree that it could be useful in later development. I think during infancy is too soon though. I think you make a good point saying that if the parent relates the word to something the child is familiar with, it will help their language development progress. The child has to hear language and be able to relate it to their own world.
