Friday, October 16, 2009

Post 6 part A

If I were to donate money to programs for a kind of prevention I would give it to primary programs. This is because they are the plans that are in the most need of attention. Many people out there want to help children who are at risk and get involved with foster children or other maltreated kids. But really how many people sit by everyday and KNOW that their neighbor or co-worker or whoever it may be abuses their child or children in some way. Too many times do people not step forward and say what they know until it is already too late for that child.
I think the problem would be more undercontrol if people focused on those in need of help before the damage is done. I think that people should understand that it is their duty as a person with a conscience to get involved as soon as they think something is going on. If there were more programs out there that made it easier than it currently is to report someone and more force directed at investigation it would help the situation. Now a lot of people either don't know what they need to do or who they need to talk to or they are afraid of accusing someone and it being a false accusation, so they do nothing or too little too late.


  1. I think this is a good idea because it could teach people too look out for warning signs of abuse, because for the most part you could think your neighbors and co-workers are the abusers, and it's going on right under their nose.

  2. I also think it is a good idea. I think it would help stop or make it more aware if they can report it better.

  3. You make a very good point. People should be more aware and observant of the warning signs of abuse. Many people wait until it's too late. They just don't say anything and then something really bad happens and they wish they would have turned it in.
