Sunday, October 4, 2009

post 5

As I grew up, I have always used flash cards to learn new things. Although I use flash cards to learn I don't think they will 100% help infants learn language. I think for infants to learn how to talk they need to also hear language and everyday talk. I think that if parents aid talking to their children and using flash cards that could be a helpful way for infant to learn to talk.


  1. I agree, I used flashcards growing up and it was not 100% effective but they were helpful. I do agree that flash cards are not the best way to learn language by themselves but I think if parents maybe had cards that had pictures on them and repeated them while holding them up, it could be helpful for the child.

  2. I agree that flash cards are not a good way to teach kids how to learn. Hearing and mimicking those sounds through trial and error. Kids need to learn how to talk before they can learn how to read.

  3. I agree that flashcards would not be 100% effective, being that they cannot read at that age, but pictures and the parent saying the word and using it in a small sentence could help.

  4. I agree, flashcards are helpfuly; and you gave a good example on how. However they are not helpful in all situations such as an infant learning a language.
