Friday, October 23, 2009

Post 7

One of Vygotsky's main theories of cognitive development is that of guided participation with the help of zone of proximal development. More knowledgable people in society use guided participation to teach their children, grandchildren, neices, nephews, younger siblings, etc. With this comes knowledge of the child's zone of proximal development. A father knows when to let go of the back of the bike. A mother knows when to let a child walk across the street without holding your hand. Knowing a child's ZPD helps to be able to better participate in guided participation and helps the child get the best cognitive development out of it.


  1. I agree, it is very important to know your child's ZPD so you can know how you can help your child's cognitive development

  2. I like how you pointed out that guided participation takes place in many different circumstances, not just a parent teaching a child. It can really be any person teaching any skill or task to any other person.

  3. No one ever stops learning, so i can see how it would apply to adults as well. Some people can watch someone do something and then be able to do it on their own, however i am one of those people that need guided practice.

  4. I agree as well that that you learn from observation fro
    others. That's how we build most of our schemas in how we drive, brush our teeth, how write and Many other things. So is important to give the children as much help as possible to be able to develop these skills they need for life.

  5. I agree that it is very important to understand the child's ZPD. Each child grows and learns differently and some may need more guidance than others.
