Thursday, November 12, 2009


in teaching a second language both methods have good intentions. Immersion is attempting to create the original environment that the person leaned their primary language. I'm not sure how effective it is because depending on the age of the person, as you get older it is hard to learn language. Learning language from a book may not be very effective either. A person may know the grammer rules, and may know what the words mean, but it may not help them learn how to communicate socially. someone who learned a Spanish from a textbook may not be able to talk and understand someone who speaks it as their primary language. I believe there should be a little of both.


  1. The older you get, the harder it is to learn a new language is a good point. I've heard many people say that. I also think you make a good observation saying that just because someone knows the grammar rules and what the words mean doesn't mean they would be able to communicate the language effectively.

  2. I agree it is very difficult to learn a new language the older you get. I also believe that a person can communicate socially with people but not know the grammar rules. I know many people who have this problem.

  3. I agree that it is very hard to learn from a text book. I, like many people, took Spanish in high school and it took me forever to understand how to conjugate verbs until it was explained out loud and I could actually hear the language spoken.
