Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I think No Child Left Behind could have potential if changed or altered. Personally I think it will take time. I understand why the government decided on No Child Left Behind, but it could have been carried out better. I think student who are "high risk" or need the help should get more one and one. Not just pushed through. The problem though is even in high school, students are not held up to the responsibility they should be. With younger children I could see more of a reward system set up to get them to work harder, but lets face it if someone does not want to do something they wont. I think with time it could something more efficient could be figured out, like more one on one time or a different way of teaching certain children. I do not think district that do not meet the goals should be penalized because they usually need more then the districts that do reach the goal.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that No Child Left Behind is an inaffective program. I also do not understand why anyone would think it would make sence to take monay away from failing schools. As you mentioned these schools need the most help and help requieres money.
