Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Post 9

Please respond to one of the following:

a) Review the methods of teaching a second language covered in chapter 12. Which approach do you think is most effective? Why?

b) Assuming that you think No Child Left Behind is ineffective, unfair etc. What are some alternatives that could accomplish the goal of NCLB (increasing accountablity and student achievement).


  1. I think the No Child Left Behind was good in theory and I think the ultimate goal was to help kids feel caught up in school. However, I think the government should not have handled it, it should have been an educator who really knows kids. I think it would be more effective if kids got one on one help and maybe on the weekend so that kids could catch up and not feel embarassed during school.

  2. 9a. i feel that the immersion strategy is the best way to teach a student a second language. i feel that the teacher using the second language most of the time would help the kids learn the second language lot easier. and if the students want to get a good grade in the class they will learn the language lot sooner.

  3. 9a. I feel that the best way to teach a second language would be to start teaching it to children at a younger age. This is when it's easiest for a child to take in all the information the fastest. Also, I think it would be helpful that as the kids begin to get better at the language that their daily school days should be taught in that language so that they can get better at it.

  4. a.) I feel immersion is the best method of teaching a second language. Yes I do feel that this will cause discomfort, but how else will they begin to learn the language unless they are basically forced to. Many language classes that we take today use this method. Besides, if we 'baby' them then they will never feel the need to learn the language because someone will always be there to help them.

  5. In reply to Lizzie:

    I agree that in theory the NCLB act was a good idea. However, the way that is had been played out and the negative effects that it has caused completely outweigh the positive effects that should in theory be happening. And on top of that, if this were thought out more properly, each state would give the exact same test, that is the only true way to see where the students are compared to other students throughout the country.
