Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Post 8

In elementary school I remember the children that had learning disabilities because they were the students that were taken out of class at different times of the day. They each had a certain time where they would go to the "TAP" room and get help with their reading. They also were the students that did not complete their math facts or finished their work later then everyone. In Junior High and High School the students with learning disabilities had different classes then everyone else and if they could not finish their work in class then they could go to a separate classroom and get help with it. ADHD was very common, everyone said they had ADHD but they did not get as many privileges other then medicine. I think schools are doing a good job giving the students extra help and removing them from the classroom gets them to focus better on their work, because that's what they need.


  1. Your post did a good job of giving me an idea of how prevelent ADHD was when you were in school. It is very interesting how quickly times can change. I would guess that I am only about 10 years older than most of the studnets in the class. However, when was in school we had never heard of anyone having or being treated for ADHD. The first time I ever heard of ADHD was when I was 20 and a girl in my dorm was trying to sell her ADHD medication to other students during finals week. I asked what it was for and she said it helps her to focus. Since my daughter started school 5 years ago ADHD seems to be the buzz word for every kid that acts up. While I think it is overdiagnosed I do believe it to be a real medical issue.

  2. I also remember a lot of kids being pulled out of the classroom for different reasons. I think schools do a good job giving these students extra help, while letting the remain with their peers for most of the time. I agree with Alex when she said says ADHD is overdiagnosed. I think some children really do have ADHD but for others its just a cop out.

  3. I also agree that ADHD is overdiagnosed. When I was in school, I don't really remember that many kids ever having it. But now it seems like in every classroom there are several students who have ADHD. I agree that schools are doing a good job helping students with learning disabilities. Taking them out of the classroom for one-on-one time really does help them focus. It also helps them get the attention and assistance they need.
