Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Post 10!

Please respond to one of the following:

a)If you were a school principal, what would you do to reduce bullying in your school?

b)How do you think your childhood would have been different if your family structure had been different, such as if you had (or had not) lived with your granparents, if your parents had (or had not) gotten divorced, if you had (or had not) lived in a foster family?

c) What do you think about the following circumstance? A young man who had been sentenced to serve 10 years for selling a small amount of marijuana walked away from a prison camp six months after he was sent there. He is now in his fifties and has been a model citized. Should he be sent back to prison? Why or why not? At which Kohlberg stage should your response be placed.


  1. I think my life would be extremely different if my parents were divorced. It would be hard to be close to my parents because I would feel differently about them. Also our family would be different having to go to one parent's house for a weekend or holidays. I think no matter what divorce is not easy and can change someon'es life.

  2. B) i think my life or my self esteem would of been a lot better if my parents wouldnt of gotten divorced. i was in 3rd grade when my parents got divorced, and that had a big impact on my life. it changed just about everything. for instants, my mother used to do all my laundry, and when she moved out i had to learn how to do my own. i had to make my own breakfast every morning, and get my self up every morning.

  3. I think my life would be a lot different if my parents were to get divorced. My parents have always been a main part of my life and I feel like my whole personality would have changed. I am a very independent person, only because my parents have taught me to be that way and to always have a job. I feel like if my parents were divorced I wouldn't have cared about things as much growing up, or had good self esteem.

  4. B. I think that my life would have been a lot different if I was in any of the situations. I would probably not be ther person I am today and have the self esteem I do. Also, I think I would act a lot different and have a different attitude on things.

  5. A.) If I were a school principle I would make it a school wide act to reduce bullying. I would first hold an assembly, have students from every grade perform different acts of bullying that they most likely see in the hallways and on the playground. Make it know to the students that the principals and the teachers are here to help them and that we do not support or tolerate school bullying and neither should they. Teach them the proper way to handle bullying if they see a friend being a victim or if they themselves are found a victim. Create a reward system for students showing 'good character'. Make it a school wide acknowledgment that good behavior is smiled upon and bullying is frowned upon.

  6. In reply to Erin:

    I agree. If my parents were divorced I think I may have become a spoiled kid as opposed to an independent person. With my parents working together they helped encourage me to be independent and not rely on anyone else. If they were divorced I think I would have just taken advantage of the situation like every other kid in that situation does.
