Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Post 8

Please respond to one of the following:

a) Think back to your own schooling and how children with learning disabilities or ADHD either were or were not diagnosed. Were you aware of such individuals in your classes? Were they helped by specialists? Do you think school scould have done a better job of helping them?

b) There are CD-ROM's such as Children's IQ and Achievement Test, that lets parents test their child's IQ and how well the child is performing in relation to their grade in school. Is this a good idea? What might be some benifits or problems with parents giving their children an IQ test?


  1. B) I do not think the Children's IQ and Achievement test would be a good idea. Not only would the child probably feel pressured into taking this test, which could effect their score but how do we know this test is accurate. I also think that every child learns different and at their own pace and this test would only see how smart they are and not the progress they have made.

  2. I remember kids in my class that were diagnosed with add or adhd. I remember certains kids in my class that were actually pulled out of the classroom to get one-on-one help. (which I don't think is a good idea in the first place)I think the school definaly could have done a better job by not taking the student out of the classroom setting. This only allows the student to miss out on information they could be learning. I think it would have been better to have a specialist sit in the classroom with the student, if the disability is severe enough

  3. a) I have no idea if any peer in my class had ADHD. And if I ever did find out it was because they told me they were taking medicine for it. This theory came around while I was in high school, and since I'm pretty sure I have a form of ADD I was probably focused on something other than the other kids in my class and whether or not they were paying attention because I was trying to pay attention and that was a difficult task in itself.

  4. In reply to Lizzie:

    I agree that this test is a negative influence. There is already enough pressure on them, and if they got their results back saying that they were not as 'smart' as they were hoping for they are going to feel doomed for the remainder of their academic career.

  5. In reply to Erin:

    I agree that pulling students out of the classroom is a horrible idea unless absolutely necessary. Students need to be in the classroom as much as possible because after all this is where the learning takes place.
