Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Post 10

I do not believe he should be sent back, however, I also feel like he should have never been released early. This is where our justice system is flawed, you can get off relatively easy if you just keep your nose clean when locked up (in most cases). There is no way of knowing beforehand if someone will be a repeat offender when let out so one of the best ways to prevent this from happening, in my opinion, is to hold everyone to their full sentence. Whether it be for arson, larceny, or dealing even the smallest amount of illegal substances. If, at the time of their release, they feel the need to continue what got them in trouble in the first place then so be it, they will be punished again, but if they clean up their act then we have succeeded in riding the world of one less criminal mind. In this instance the justice system and morality conflict so I would place it in the 5th stage of Kohlberg's theory.

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