Thursday, November 19, 2009

Post 10

My childhood would have been a lot different if my parents stayed together, but even when I was 3 when they seperated I never wanted them to stay together because they always fought. I feel that if they would have stayed together I would not be as close to my dad's side of the family and I also would not have a wonderful step mom that I do now and a little sister that is amazing. I feel that I would probably not be as well off as I am not because I have lived with my dad all my life who has always worked hard and as much as possible to take care of my sisters and I. On the other hand my mom has never really had a "real" job and has never completely paid her child support. She is forty two years old and is returning back to school for nursing to have a real job. If she had helped raise us we would be paying for college completely, which now I have not had loans until now my junior year only because there are 3 of us in college. When I graduate I will only have 11,000 in loans where as if she raise us I don't even know if I could afford college. I am glad that my parents divorced because they were not meant to stay together!

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