Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Post 9b

I feel like the no child left behind act is one of the dumbest things ever concocted by our government. It doesn't work, it never will and it's a complete joke. It does not matter how much you push a person to learn or do better, because if they don't want to they aren't going to do it. This act takes away from the better students by forcing schools to dumb down the curriculum so their rate of failure "decreases," which I highly doubt it does.


  1. I am just curious how you would change it? I do agree with what you say that they wont do it if they dont want to, but I want to know how you might change No Child Left Behind to make it better then what it is now?

  2. this i agree with some what. i feel these days that elementary and even high school curriculum is getting easier and easier, just so the kids wont fail it. then when they get to college they are so lost because the material is much harder then what they had in high school.
