Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Post 10c

I do not think he should be sent back to prison. I think this way for many reasons. Number one, his crime was just selling a small amount of marijuana. It wasn't like he robbed or killed anyone, so he wouldn't be a threat to the community. Secondly, it says he was a model citizen. This means he has never been in trouble before. So it would be less likely that he would do it again later. He did serve some amount of time, so it's not like he got off without any punishment. My response would probably be placed at stage 5 by Kohlberg. Just like in the Heinz issue, the moral and legal standpoints conflict. The man should have been punished, and he was. Yet, his crime was a minor one and he was a model citizen.


  1. Kaitlyn,

    I do not think this man should be sent back to prison either. Like you said, he didn't rob or kill anyone, he did spend some time in jail, and he has been a model citizen. I think they should be more concerned about the murderers and thieves. I really don't think this guy would be dangerous or harmful to anyone.

  2. I do not know how I feel about this man. It is still a crime. He might be a model citizen now, but obviously things change. Good people do not break the law like that. If he did serve time for this crime then no he should not go back, but if he does it again he should go back. Selling Drugs is selling drugs no matter what type of drug it is. He knew he was doing something wrong.

  3. I agree, I dont think that this man should be sent back. He did serve his time and it was only marijuana. I know that some people feel that all drugs are the same, but in most instances the law views them differently, and so in his case a little marijuana isn't that bad. Not only that but I could bet that this man was placed on parole, because unless in very rare circumstances, if someone is released early, they are put on parole for the remainder of their sentence.

  4. I do not think he should be sent back to prison for the crime due to the fact that is wasn't a horrific crime such as murder or rape. If I was the judge I would take into consideration his behavior now that he is a grown adult. But because he did break the law, he should have to do something for it. I would give him community service hours talking to teens about drug abuse or something like that.
