Thursday, November 19, 2009

Post 10A

I think Principals can reduce bullying in school several ways. Devote a week to education , call it no bully allowed week. Have different activities everyday. Police officers can come in a teach a lesson on bullying and circumstances for anyone caught bulling. Teach children 'is perfectly ok to let a teacher know if she sees a sign of bullying. This could be done without anyone knowing it. There has to have a set standard on how to handle


  1. Another way I think principals could reduce bullying in schools is to provide counseling for the bullies and the victims of the bullies. This would teach bullies alternative ways of dealing with the stress they are feeling instead of using violence as they are used to.

  2. I think this is a good idea and would help. But I think they need to just stress the situation all together on a regular basis and make the punishment for bullying more intense so it is a big deal if the students to so.

  3. I agree with many of your great ideas. Though, from the pessimistic point of view, I believe that no matter how many adults stress saying something when bullying happens, children still will have trouble doing it because it is not socially acceptable at that age to "tattle". I think role models from older grades and acting out skits to be made to feel like a bully and feel bullied would also be beneficial.

  4. Another way to stop bullying would be to create a 'character connection' program. Make it a small part of the curriculum...maybe 15 minutes every other day giving the students a chance to congratulate a classmate on a good deed they may have done, like held a door open, or helped them pick up the crayons they spilled. By pointing out the positives the kids are doing this will encourage them to do more good then bad.
