Friday, November 6, 2009

Post 8b

I think it is a bad idea for parents to give their children IQ tests off a CD-ROM. Parents will get all worked up if their child's IQ score does not correspond with their grades in school. This, in turn, will cause problems for the teachers. Eventually the administration could get involved and even the school board. I just see this being a huge problem. Testing should left to the schools because they are there to teach and assess. Also, I just wonder how accurate these CD-ROM tests are. It could cause a lot of problems when it's not even accurate.


  1. I agree that parents would get all worked up over the scores of the IQ test when in reality they are probably doing just fine in class. For me I am not a very good test taker even when I know the material so I feel tests aren't always accurate and it's not worth the trouble for the teacher school, etc.

  2. I agree that parents could take the scores overboard, Especially parents that are particularly hard on their kids in academics to begin with. I think this would just be a huge idea and in turn could make the child turn against school or learning as a whole.

  3. I agree. this would just turn into something that would definately not benefit the child. Although parents are only looking out for their best interests, they could possibly hinder them.

  4. I agree. I don't think that it's right for parents to assess their child's IQ. It could lead the parent to either thinking their child is not worth spending time with to improve on things because their IQ is so low or it could lead to false hope with parents thinking their child is automatically going to be a genius.
