Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Post 10--B

My childhood would have been completely different if my parents would have divorced. Growing up my parents always told us that marriage is important and it is a commitment for life. They believe that for the children it is good to have both parents together. Every holiday we visit our family in St. Louis and it would not be the same if one parent was missing. I would feel like I would have to choose who to see and when.


  1. Lauren,

    I agree with you 100%. It would also be hard for me to choose who to see, and it would be difficult if one parent was not there at family get togethers. My parents also stress to my sisters and I how important marriage is. They have been great role models for us, as I'm sure your parents have been for you.

  2. i think that it is the relationship that your parents maintain after the divorce. i never had to choose. my mom had custody, but they made sure that i got plenty of time with my dad. he lived close by so when i was older i would ride my bike over whenever i wanted to see him. if parents put their ill feelings aside, a child can have a normal life after a divorce.

  3. That's great that your parents promoted the importance of marriage and I think with them as a living example it helped you to see how important it really is and that it is possible to have a healthy marriage. And with visiting family it probably makes you want to continue the importance when you have a family one day.

  4. Thats really great how your parents stressed the importance of lifetime commitment. However I do feel that if parents are getting a divorce, a huge deal of responsibility goes onto them to make sure that their children maintain healthy relationships with the other parent as well as themselves. If the parents can still be kosher after the divorce, I think things could still be alright.

  5. i agree, marriage should be for the rest of their lives. divorce is for sure hardest on the children. the children have to do twice as much work to be able to spend holidays with both parents.

  6. I did grow up with divorced parents and it was difficult but not because I had to decide how to split my time. That had been decided for me. I feel like my dad got the short end of it all. I agree that marriage is a lifetime commitment but sometimes there are circumstances that don't allow that commitment to last.

  7. I agree but also disagree with this. I grew up with both of my parents who went through multiple marriages and, though parts of it were hard, it instilled in me how sacred marriage really is because I never got to take it for granted. Also, it made me more of a mediator and someone who is able to handle stressful situations better than most.
