Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Me vs. Sibling

I'm the baby of the family for starters! I have a brother who is 18 months older than I am. In all honesty, the only thing we have in common is our physical attributes. He an I both have the same hair color, before I had colored my hair, and we both have blue eyes. Also, we are both average height and look similar. He looks my mom and I look a lot like my dad, but everyone used to say how much we looked like each other so I guess in the end the genes evened out! Personality wise, we are nothing alike. I'm easy going, love to share, hate fighting, outgoing, friendly, and very independent. He acts more like the baby of the family than I do. He depends on my parents for a lot of things and isn't as family oriented than I am. I feel that the differences were caused because one he is a male and I'm female. Two, I have another brother who is older but he's my half-brother from my dad's first marriage so i feel that the reason my real brother acts like the baby and not me is because he was my moms only real son and he was a "mamas boy" and she always makes excuses for him and thinks he can do CLOSE to no wrong! Also, our group of friends and what we do for fun is really different from the other. In the end, my looks resembles more of my brother when it comes to my siblings but personality wise, I'm like my older sister and he's like our oldest sister.


  1. My brother and mother are the same way. When ever Luke does something wrong she tries to defend him. He is the baby in the family and a mamma's boy so she has always babied him & still does think he can do nothing wrong as well.

  2. It is hard to determine much with my family. My sister, brother and I have all different fathers. My sister and brother both know their father, but I don't. Seeing my brother and sister they are a lot like their dads. My sister's dad is short and she is short, My brother's dad (which is also my step-father) is tall very tall and my brother is around 6 foot tall. When you take all of us and lay out our similarties we are all independent because that is how we were raised. I am the oldest and took care of my brother and sister for when I was younger. I think that the one that needs the most help from my parents is my sister. She is the middle child and she needed the most attention throughout our childhood.

  3. Having three younger brothers it is interesting to see the differences between boys and girls growing up. I was a very social person, however more family oriented than most kids while growing up. My brothers on the other hand would choose to hang out with their friends that to spend time with the family. I agree with your statement that it is a difference in gender.
