Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Post 2

Please respond to one of the following:

a) Compare yourself with either a sibling or parent (if a sibling is not available). How are you similar and different (i.e., physical, cognitive, psychosocial differences/similarities)? What caused these differences?

b) Think about an experience in which you learned something that was initially difficult. To what extent do Vygotsky's concepts (ZPD and scaffolding) explain this experience?


  1. I am an identical twin so I will use my sister as a comparison. We both have very similar physical features. Brown hair, brown eyes, same height, and alway within 5 lbs. of each other. We both have worn glasses since an early age for farsightedness. Our personalities are very similar now. Going into our teenage years while trying to define our own identities we vary greatly. One could do no wrong. Would never consider going our of their comfort zone and didn't want to disappoint anyone. The other was very rebelous. Sneaking out at night, drinking, and becoming pregnant before high school graduation. I think this was an attempt to explore our identities. As we have gotten older we have again meshed into very similar persons. We both grew up in a 2 parent household, and had 3 half-siblings. The relationship with them is more a step sibling relationship as we were so close to each other growing up we didn't bond well with our other siblings.

  2. A) I am just like my mom we are both very happy, optimistic and stubborn. I find myself saying things that my mom does and acting like her. Most people would be mad or embarassed by that but I don't mind it because my mom and I are extremely close. We are different in that she is definitely better with confrontation than I am and can speak her mind very well.

    -Sorry I know we are supossed to do our own post and not comment but once again I tried to do it and had trouble.

  3. I think that I am actually a pretty even mixture of both of my parents. I am stubborn like my dad and have a sense of humor like him. But I also act just like my mom, we are both very open and have the same views on things. Looks wise, I look just like my mom. We are the same height, weight about the same and have the same hair color.

  4. a. I am often compared to my mother. People that knew me when I was younger, will see me now and say 'you look just like your mom'. We have the exact same hair color, the same eyes, pretty much the same facial structure and build. I am slightly taller than her and am more athletic than she was as a child. It is very obvious however our differences. We both can look at the same situation and come up with two completely opposite solutions. She tends to look at the negatives while I tend to look at the positives. It's situations like this that make the two of us very unique and different. Physically we may look like the same person, but our personalities and ways of thinking are polar opposites.
