Tuesday, September 22, 2009

post 4

The two pieces of advice I would give someone about the biosocial/physical development I would give a new parent would be the importance of sleep and explain to about co-sleeping, and the advangtage of an enriched enviroment. I would tell them the importance it is on an infant to have an adequate amount of sleep for regualtion of their immune systme and emotional regulation. And also it is good for brain development to get a sufficient amount of sleep when their child is younger. I would also give the advantages and disadvantages of co-sleeping and the time line they should try and stay within if they choose to have their child sleep with them. I would then explain to them the importance of an enriched enviroment it is on a child, to develope fully and beyond mentally, physically and even emotionally.


  1. I agree with the co-sleeping, but it depends on the way the parents do it. I think that the parents should take naps with the child every once in a while that way the child still gets the bonding experience, but does not become dependent.

  2. Co-sleeping in an important issue to talk about with parents. I have a daughter myself and we do co-sleep, although its normally not my choice. My daughter is two and has recently started sneaking into my bed around 3:30 in the morning, while I enjoy the bond we share when we sleep together, I feel like she is to attached to me and gets more stressed out than other children when I go to work or school.

  3. I think the way that you would address the co-sleeping by giving advantages and disadvantages would give the new mother a chance to decide her own opinion about co-sleeping, how often she would would let her newborn co-sleep and when the best time is for her.

  4. I agree that mothers should be informed about the importance of sleeping. I don't think people really understand how sleeping really affects a child's development in so many ways. I also agree that sharing with the mother the advantages and disadvantages of co-sleeping is a great idea because they will know both sides of the argument and can decide for themselves what they think is best for their child.

  5. I think that it is a great idea to explain the pros and cons to co-sleeping. Although it has been found very important for a developing baby, it may not work well for the parent.

  6. The concept of co-sleeping is a very interesting one. I think there could be potential benefits but they will depend on the manner in which the parents handle it.
