Sunday, September 6, 2009

Post 2 (a)

I have seven siblings but the one that I have the most in common with and at the same time we are very different, is my younger sister. We are three years apart and have only known each other for four years. But people see us together and automatically know we are sisters. We look alike and have similar personalities. We both are strong minded and very hard headed, so fights between us last awhile because we both have to be right and have the last word in. We are different in ways of relationships with guys, she feels better about herself when she is in a relationship and I am the free spirited independent one. It is crazy how well we connected from the very first day we met four years ago, because we were raised by different people. We share the same dad, who she was raised by along with her mom. I was raised by my mom and step-dad, who I consider my dad. I believe the reason for many of our differences is because we were raised by different people and in very different enviroments.


  1. i couldn't imagine what it would be like to have so many siblings. It seems like you would all have to have some kind of similaries

  2. Having seven brothers and sisters would be out of this world. Even with all the similarities between you all, it seems like even the slightest differing opinion would set off WW 3. I think it's awesome that you and your younger sister click so well even though raised in drastically different environments. It goes to show how much genetics influences who you are.

  3. I think that's a good point that because you were raised in different environments you two are different. Obviously there are still gonna be some similarities but the environment plays a crucial role.

  4. Sevens a lot of siblings! I only have 4 brothers and sisters and that to me was a lot! But I think it's funny how in both yours and my situation we are only kind of like one. But you do make a good point; i also think enviornment plays and important roll.
