Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Post 5

I think holding flash cards in front of infant to teach the language would not be the best idea. I don't think it would necessaily hurt them but it's not the natural way they learn language. Infants learn language by listening to others around them and learning how to form their own words. Simply looking at words on a card wouldn't help an infant develop language because looking at a word won't teach them how to say it. I believe letting the natural events of language occur is better than trying to force an infant to speak using flash cards. I don't think Piaget would like this activity because he believed that infants learned actively and that had no reflective thought. Therefore, Piaget would not see to effectiveness of flash cards for infants.


  1. I agree that it wouldn't hurt the infant but as you stated it's not a natural way to learn langauge. The parents time could be better spent for sure.

  2. I agree that the flashcards wouldn't help the infant because they are at the stage where they need to hear and feel things not look and associate what something looks like to what it is saying.

  3. I agree, infants learn to talk by hearing other people say words not from reading a word off of a card. I feel that it would be more beneficial for an infant to listen to others speak and learn to talk that way.

  4. I agree with the statement that it is not the natural way of learning a language. And naturally the child will pick up on the words said around the house as well. However, if we used flash cards with the word, a picture and then verbally repeated what the child was seeing to them, they are getting this information in three different ways, allowing them to pick up on the information quicker, and it would help their reading as well.
