Friday, September 4, 2009

Option 1

My sister and I have been total opposites ever since I can remember. She always had a problem following the rules and didn't care what the consequence was when she did break them. I on the otherhand always followed the rules because I didn't want to be in any kind of trouble. I never have really understood why we are so different either. Our parents got divorced when she was 7 and I was 2 but we were raised the same. The only thing that might have made a difference in the way that she acts is that when she was 15 she moved to live with my dad full time because she couldn't get along with my mom and follow the rules. Once she moved to my dad's house she could pretty much do whatever she wanted to. He worked long hours because he owned his own business so he didn't really make the time to check up on her and what she was doing. I stayed living with my mom until I moved to college and went to my dad's house every-other weekend. I think the reason that I am the way I am is because I was raised in an environment where rules were inforced and if I broke them there was a consequence, unlike my sister where she had free rain to do whatever she pleased.


  1. I find it interesting that you lived with your mom and your sister lived with your dad. My sister and I did the same thing for a few years. Like your sisters experience, he worked long hours, she did what she wanted, and was crazy. I lived with my mom, followed the rules, ect. However, I did move in with my dad and my sister for about a year and I started acting like my sister. In the end we both ended up back at my moms. My sister took alot longer than I did to start following the rules. Based on your experience and mine I definitly think enviornment affects who you are.

  2. My sister has always had an issue with following rules, while I hated to break them and get in trouble. We were both raised in the same home. In our case, I think we just have such different personalities. But I can see how environment plays a big part in who someone is and how they act.

  3. When I was growing up my brother was the trouble maker of the family, just as your sister seemed to be. He never thought that the rules applied to him which drove my parents crazy. we were raised in the same environment with my older brother whom is similar to me, in that we both followed the rules. As I got older it seemed to bother me when my brother was continuously getting in trouble. My parents focused on his problems which made me feel like I was put on the back burner.

  4. This shows probably one of the best examples of how enviornment plays an important role. My half brother lived with his mom and came to our house every other weekend and he is very different in a lot of ways than the rest of my siblings.
