Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Post 5

Please respond to one of the following:

A) What are some of the implications of Piaget's theory of infant development for parenting?

B) Would it be a good idea for parents to hold large flash cards of words in front of their infant to help the infant learn language? Why or why not? What do you think Piaget would say about this activity?


  1. I think it would work to use flash cards for kids to learn language skills. I have used flash cards all throughout school to learn and study and it has helped me. I think as long as the parent was repeating the words on the cards so the child can hear the word it would help the child learn.

  2. Placing flash cards in front of children to learn language is not a good idea for teaching phonics and learning to read, but it might just be a stimulating fun game with interaction with the parents and child. If by chance they learn to recognize words it is simply by rote. Rote learning doesn't teach about language only memorization. Language is needed to be heard to form the correct sounds. I don't believe it would make them speak any quicker than a child with normal opportunities to hear language would.

  3. I think that placing flashcards in front of a child could have a positive affect if used correctly. If you were to put a picture that the child could identify the word too and repeated the word when the card is shown this would give the child an idea of what is being said and will be able to make the connection to the object when seen in real life. Piaget would agree that this is a good way to teach children because they will learn by trial and error.

  4. In reply to Kathy:

    I do not see the harm in supplying a flash card along with the verbal pronunciation of the word. Also providing a picture, this gives the child three different connections to the word and will help them to pick up on language at a faster rate.
