Friday, September 18, 2009

post 3

I personally think that health care programs and insurance companies already shell out plenty of money on educating there customers about health risks. It's not rocket science, smoking leads to Cancer and other health problems. These health problems have already been in the main stream media for 50 to 60 years. If the mother wants to choose to have her baby under the influence of cocaine and other illegal drugs, unfortunately could have some effect of the unborn child. Someone else should not have to educate someone that should already be educated about sex and drugs and other things. Adding more cost to our insurance companies would only make every ones rates jump through the roof. I think the system should not be changed for a few thousand people that are not careful during their pregnancies.


  1. I agree, however, those babies have no say and if they are infected they have to live with that for the rest of their lives even though it wasn't a decision that they made. I know there are ways to help these children with whatever they may have but some kind of prevention should be done.

  2. I agree the health care in this country is skyrocketing. Wouldn't it save them more money by educating up front, so you don't have the complications of birth defects, and other developmental problems after birth? Prevention is the key.

  3. I agree that making health care costs more expensive is not going to solve anything & might only make everything worse; but I disagree that someone shouldn't educate people who should already be educated about sex. Most of the time those who are uninformed about these things are young people, people who probably wouldn't have had sex in the first place had they known all the possible consequences. Since they obviously don't know that much about pregnancy, it is the job of those of us with consciences to help them if possible; that is the way I would hope our society would be.

  4. I agree. Thousands of people each year who are educated on the effects of drugs, alcohol and tobacco say f*** it and do it anyway. Those people have LEARNED the effects it can have in the required health courses in high school. If they didn't make it to high school, somewhere along the lines their guardian should have told them. I don't see many 10 year olds getting pregnant because they didn't know the effects of sex. Children are having sex-education classes younger and younger, and the excuses of "I didn't know" are not really able to fly anymore. Anyone in the general public knows sex can lead to babies, and drugs/alcohol/tobacco can lead to disastrous lives/choices. I say inform them early. And where would we be if there weren't disabled people in the world anyway? By all means I'm not saying its good that these mothers are doing this to the babies, but a life is a life, no matter if their disabled or not.

  5. I completely agree with you. For those mothers who chose to harm their babies by drinking and doing drugs, should not be allowed more money for help if they already know the effects. Insurance companies proVide enough information about those harmful effects. Every year there are new ads made about the effects alcohol has on babies, the media has a huge impact on making both good and bad choices.
