Friday, September 4, 2009

option 2

My brother Nathan and I are 4 years apart. When I was little I tried to do everything I could to be like him. We are both very athletic and intelligent. Physically, as we are both pretty much maxed out on growth, he is 6'2 and I'm 5'8, which is above average for height on both. As for weight, neither of us are skinny, but not obese either. Our hair color is different, his is a light brown, while mine is auburn, as is our eye color, his is a grey/blue (unlike anyone in our immediate family), and mine is a lighter brown/hazel-ish. Socially, we are both outgoing around people we know, or people we get to know, but when put directly into a situation among strangers, we are both more on the shy side and just sit back and take everything in at first. Nathan excels in Math and Science, i.e. he is a biology major out doing research in Alaska and off the coasts on fishing boats, as well as everything else, while Math and Science are my worst subjects. We both take after our dad more than our mom, but still have differences, like in high school my extra curriculars consisted of basketball, volleyball and soccer, while his was technology club and other stuff like that.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My brother & I also have very different interests but we both take after our dad in a lot of ways. Like our mom complains we drive like him. The fact that we are so like him in so many small ways is strange because he has been an over the road truck driver for over 10 yrs. So we have spent more time around our mom but turned out more like our dad.
