Friday, September 25, 2009

post 4

Something that i would tell a new mother is keep a health relationship between the newborn and herself. When i say healthy i mean do not spend every waking moment with the new born. The mother needs some time to her self so the new experience of have a child is no so overwhelming. Other piece of advice i would give to the new mother is please do not smoke around your new born child. The effects of smoking can be very bad and cause cancers later in life so why let your new born child be exposed to poison.


  1. I agree, I think it is important for the mother to have time on her own and really take in that she had a baby and enjoy it. It is not good for the mother to come home from the hospital and immediately be overwhelmed with all the new responsibilities. When my sister had a baby my mother came and helped her out for the first week because my brother-in-law is a firefighter and works long hours. My sister said it really helped her and made her more calm and relaxed than she would have been by herself.

  2. I couldn't agree more about not smoking around the baby. It is bad for an adult to do let alone for a newborn to have to inhale that. I also agree with your statement about it is important for the mother to have time to herself. I think if every mother did this there might be a decrease in postpartum depression.

  3. First off I hate the smell of smoke. My parents are smokers and I hated that smell. I guess I never realized how bad it smelled until I moved out. I think that not smoking around a newborn is what parents need to do. You are already putting your child at risk if you smoke around them. I think that mothers should have time to themselves also. I raised my friends baby the first year of his life and it is hard, especially if you are a teenager, in school, and working. You need a little time to yourself.
