Friday, September 18, 2009

Post 3

I don't think that scarring women into avoiding smoking and drinking is enough to get it to stop. We have seen in case of smoking in general, drunk driving and unprotected sex, that scare tactics are not enough. I think part of the solution is better avoiding unwanted pregnancy through safe sex practices and birth control. Most women that are not mature enough to take pregnancies seriously are the same ones that will smoke and drink. Insurance companies can make the pill and condoms more readily available and affordable. Also once a woman is pregnant, there should be incentives to quit smoking and drinking including possibly receiving money for diapers and other necessities after the birth if they can prove that they are not drinking and smoking.


  1. I agree with you that most young women are not mature enough to tae the whole pregnancy seriously, but some people may not know exactly what it can do to the baby. Yes, they should know that if it hurts them then it obviously can hurt the baby. But if you show them what will happen by bringing in others who have been through this I think it could be a scare tactic that works for a lot of women. I think that giving incentives for quitting smoking and drinking is a good idea. Maybe giving them coupons or something for so much money of diapers or other things that are a must have for a baby that might be more expensive then other things.

  2. I like the concept of rewards for good behavior but how are we going to police this? Random drug test and blood work to see if there is nicotine in your blood? Isn't this crossing over the line in your right of privacy? Smoking tobacco and alcohol consumption is legal if you're of age. Just something to think about.

  3. I think it is a great idea to give financial incentives to pregnant women and I also agree that many girls are not mature enough to handle the responsibility of carrying a baby.

  4. I definitely agree that women who smoke and drink while pregnant are not mature enough for the responsibility of having a baby. I think offering financial incentives to pregnant women who quit smoking and drinking is a good idea, but who would offer it and how would they go about the process?

  5. I agree as well, however it is unfortunate that you would have to reward someone for something that they shouldn't be doing anyway. Smoking and drinking are legal at 18, so what would be done to the mothers if they were caught? how do you catch them? It is sad but there are a lot of people out there that would lie to get the freebies

  6. I think you're right about the scare tactic; it's pretty obvious that it's not working. education is the best medicine. If there is any hope in preventing things like FAS, it is in educating the mothers. I think you're also right that the young women who become pregnant by accident may also be naiive enough to drink and smoke during their pregnancies. This can be controlled by better distribution of contraceptives, as well as more informative sex education.

  7. I find the notion of rewarding someone for something they should have no problem quitting to be mildly ridiculous. Their child has the right to a fair chance in this world and since their actions during pregnancy and development effect this chance, they need to be willing to sacrifice some things to give it all the help they can.
