Thursday, September 3, 2009

Post 2

I am four years older than my sister Kelli. Physically, we are both very different. She has dark brown hair and brown eyes, while I am blonde and have blue eyes. She is also taller than I am and built differently. The only thing we share is the same nose. Our personalities are very opposite. Kelli is very outgoing, outspoken, daring, and impulsive. I, on the other hand, tend to be more reserved, thoughtful, and cautious. We both have always had difficulty in math and science. We are better at english and social studies. We both like to read the same kind of books and listen to the same kinds of music. We also both have a very good work ethic and are very responsible. I think we get that from our parents because they encouraged us to get jobs when we were both 15. Kelli and I are different with the issue of money. I like to save my money, while she enjoys spending hers. I think what caused these differences is the genes we inherited from our parents. My sister is more like my mom, and I take after my dad.


  1. I've always known my sister to be outspoken. She's never afraid to say whats on her mind. However I'm still on the shy side.

  2. this sounds like me and my brother. he is more like my mom and I am more like my dad.
