Thursday, September 3, 2009

Post 2 Option A) Alex and Danielle 14 months apart

Option A)
Alex and Danielle

Danielle is my only sister and she is 14 months older than me. As little kids we were exactly the same. My mom dressed us the same and people thought we were twins. We both have blond hair and blue eyes. However, by the time we got into our teen years I had lots of freckles and she was taller and bigger boned then me. As we navigated through our teen years, only a grade behind each other at the same high school, we developed two totally different personalities. I was a clean cut, non-smoking, non-drinking, no drug use, average student with a steady boyfriend. My sister wore black, smoked, skipped school, barley graduated, had a steady boyfriend and moved out at 17. We had nothing in common other than both always having a boyfriend and couldn’t stand each other.
By the time we were in our early 20’s we were best friends and our moral compasses were the same. Our view of right and wrong is the same; our parenting styles are just about the same; we have both only been married one time and never divorced, we both have two kids; we both quit good careers because we recognized the value of knowing and raising our own kids; and we would both do just about anything to help someone in need.
I think the reason my sister and I started out the same, became very different, and then back again is because at a young age our parents laid the foundation for our moral compass. Once we got through our confusing teen years we were able recognize who we really were and be true to that. I think we always felt like we needed a boyfriend to be whole because our Dad wasn't what we hoped for in a father and we were both looking for love and acceptance from a male.

1 comment:

  1. I think that's great that you and your sister are so close now. My sister and I are so different and fight a lot, but I really hope that once she gets out of her teen years we will get along better.
