Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Post 3

Women know what may happen to their child if they drink or smoke during pregnancy, but have they actually seen it. I believe seeing pictures has a bigger affect then just hearing. By this I mean real pictures not drawing. I know in high school we watched a video about car crashes and people who did not wear their seat belt and from then on not only do I wear mine always I make everyone else in the car do it too. With insurance companies they could easily not cover them. That would really get someone to change their habits if they know they are not covered any longer. I understand smoking is addicting, but if it comes down to the health of your child you should do everything possible to stop. Even if you have to join a group to stop.


  1. Lauren,

    I think that is a great idea to show them what might happen to their babies. I think a lot of people just hope they get lucky, or don't believe that facts of smoking or drinking during pregnancy. If they see how many babies have had problems maybe they will change their actions. Mothers who smoke or drink during their pregnany definately need a big wake up call on what they are doing to their babies.

  2. Lauren,
    I totally agree that showing real pictures could make pregnant women who drink and smoke stop. I think they don't really understand the effects until they actually see someone who has been affected by their mother drinking and smoking while she was pregnant. I also agree that pregnant women would very quickly quit smoking and drinking if their insurance companies decided not to cover them.
