Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Post 2

a) My youngest sister just turned 12. We are 9 years apart, yet we are similar in many ways. We have the same hair color and eye color as well as the same complexion. People often get us mixed up. Although she is only 12, she is now taller than me, which is part of the reason people get us confused. We are also alike in our cognitive abilities. We are both visual learners and we both lack creativity. (My middle sister got the creative gene.) We are different socially, however. She could spend a whole week (probably even 2 weeks) at her friends house. I on the other hand would rather spend time with my family. My sister also has an attitude. She usually lets you know what she thinks. I keep things bottled up inside. Because she is the baby of the family, she is kind of spoiled. I think that is why she has such an attitude sometimes. Also, I think she feels as though my middle sister and I don't pay much attention to her, which is why she likes to spend time with her friends. Being with her friends allows her to play all day because my middle sister and I don't play with her. She is 6 years younger than my middle sister, so we (my middle sister and I) have both really outgrown the "play" thing.


  1. That is funny that she is already taller then you. I have three older sisters and I am the tallest and they get shorter as they get older. My oldest sister, Tammy, will also tell you what she thinks. I am the more shy one that keeps stuff to myself. I think it is funny the way family members turn out.

  2. Haley,

    It seems like you and your sister got a lot of the same physical genes. But when it comes to personality you guys are a lot different. It is weird how some siblings can look so similar yet act completely different.

  3. Me and my brother have a lot of the similarities of you and your sister. Wr both look like, but personality wise we are 100% different.

  4. I have three younger brothers and believe me I feel that they all have attitudes. However when reading your post it made me wonder, does your younger sister's attitude possibly stem from a constant need of attention? Since she is younger maybe she feels she is constantly being compared to her two older sisters and wants people to know that she is different and her own person with her ideas. Just a thought!
