Friday, September 18, 2009

Post 3

I believe that women are so desensitized to dangers that could befall their newborn babies, that if a woman wants to smoke or drink, she will. To me this is a sad but realistic outlook. It is almost like the blame would not be on them because it could have been any number of reasons that a child comes out affected. This is why I think the only way to affect women who are pregnant and smoking or drinking is to put the responsibility where it belongs; on the pregnant women. This includes not only the doctor but on society as a whole, including tobacco companies!


  1. I agree. I think that people do what they want to do when they want to do it. They don't look to the future, or at the consequences of their actions. just because a baby is born looking fine does not mean there won't be problems later.

  2. I agree to disagree. The woman is in control of how she treats the unborn. If she want to get trashed and high then how can you stop her. That her choice and she knows that smoking is not good for the baby but she did it any way that's Her fault not anyone else problem.
