Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Post 2

(a) I am the youngest of two older brothers. My brothers are complete opposites in their looks. Mark, the oldest looks just like my mom. Brett, the middle child looks just like my dad. I fall in between but most say I look more like my mom and brother Mark. I would say more personality is more like Marks as well. Mark and I both went through a more rebellious stage than Brett in high school. We think a little differently than the rest of my family as well. This is probably because of our peer groups in high school. Brett always stayed close to home and was more religious than Mark and I. As I have gotten older though my personality has changed to become more like my brother Brett's. As Brett entered college he became more outgoing yet still stuck close to his family. As I entered college I decided to focus a lot more and build a better relationship with my family. Brett and I have also always been good at school and motivated. While Mark is a very hard worker he has never excelled in the academic world. So I guess I am a pretty good mixture of both my siblings personalities. When I was in the high school environment I was more care free like Mark. Now that I am a college student I have matured a lot more, and become more involved in my faith, which makes me more like Brett. It just shows how much my environment has effected my personality.

1 comment:

  1. I think that, more than anything, what affected many of those changes to be more family and faith oriented comes with maturity because I know, since I have moved out on my own and grown older, I have developed a high sense of appreciation for family life as well. Good for you!
